Hello! Welcome to the Portland Free Store Project. We’re creating a space where everyone can access what they need, free of judgment. While we work towards opening a permanent location, we’re accepting monetary donations to support our efforts and continue building this community-driven store.

Soon we will be ready to accept item donations as well. In the meantime, look out for our pop-up events around town, where you’ll be able to experience the Free Store in action!

With much gratitude…

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our first ever pop-up store! It was a huge success, serving around 50 community members. People were able to find sheets, clothing, a tent, some toys for the younger community members and even more!

A very special thank you and appreciation to Kelsey, owner of Ampersand Creatives for the use of her space, helping us organize, and providing us with set up materials.

Another special thank you to Angie, owner of Function and Flow Home Organization for offering her knowledge, support, donations, and encouragement.

And last but definitely not least, thank you to David, our fabulous sign twirler! David drove the traffic our way and many more community members benefited from his help!

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